Efficacy of Mixture of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Bifidobacteria Supplement in the Management of Constipation; Demonstration of Functionality in Animal and Clinical Trials

한국형 Bifidobacterium longum SPM1205 혼합제제의 변비 개선 효과

  • Received : 2010.01.07
  • Accepted : 2010.02.24
  • Published : 2010.03.31


The aim of this study was to evaluated the efficacy of mixture of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and bifidobacteria supplement, which are contained with Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum SPM1205, and Pediococcus pentosaceus for the management of constipation in animal model and clinical trials. 5 ICR mice and 4 female constipation subjects were orally taken mixture of LAB and bifidobacteria for 2 weeks. We investigated the number of fecal LAB and harmful enzymes activities before and after mixture of LAB and bifidobacteria application. As a result, fecal LAB count was increased and harmful enzymes activities of intestinal microflora were generally decreased after mixture of LAB and bifidobacteria application. Also, 61 female subjects were randomly assigned to receive either mixture of LAB and bifidobacteria or lactose and were taken three times a day for 2 weeks. Then, we analyzed mixture of LAB and bifidobacteria effect through the questionnaires. Daily consumption of this mixture of LAB and bifidobacteria improved the constipation in constipation group (56.3%) compared with lactose application group (26.7%). Furthermore, after mixture of LAB and bifidobacteria treatment, frequency of hard stool decreased from 0.22 to 0.03. These results indicated that mixture of LAB and bifidobacteria application is effective to improve the constipation.

이 연구의 목적은 동물실험과 임상실험을 통해 변비 치료에 Lactobacillus acidophilus와 Pediococcus pentosaceus, Bifidobacterium longum SPM1205를 포함한 유산균(Lactic Acid Bacteria, LAB) 및 비피더스균 혼합제제의 효과를 평가하기 위한 것이다. 5마리의 ICR 마우스와 4명의 여성 변비 환자들은 2주 동안 유산균 및 비피더스균 혼합제제를 복용하였다. 복용 전과 후에 분변에서 유산균수와 유해 효소 활성을 측정하였으며 그 결과 분변 중 유산균수가 증가하였고, 장내 미생물에 의한 유해 효소 활성은 일반적으로 감소하였다. 또한, 61명의 피실험자들은 유산균 및 비피더스균 혼합제제와 lactose 중의 하나를 2주 동안 하루에 3번 복용한 후, 설문지를 작성하였다. 이를 분석한 결과, 변비환자군에서 매일 유산균 및 비피더스균 혼합제제를 복용한 군(56.3%)은 lactose를 복용한 군(26.7%)보다 변비증상이 개선되었고, 단단한 변의 배변 횟수가 0.22에서 0.03으로 감소하였다. 따라서 L. acidophilus와 P. pentosaceus, B. longum SPM1205를 포함한 유산균 및 비피더스균 혼합제제는 변비를 개선할 수 있을 것으로 예상한다.



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