Relationship of Information Technology User Personality, Security and Control

보안 및 통제와 정보기술 사용자의 성격의 관계

  • Received : 2009.11.18
  • Accepted : 2010.05.31
  • Published : 2010.09.30


Personality is comprehensive nature of the mood and attitude of people, most clearly revealed in the interaction with other people. This study is a analysis on personality type to information system security and control from financial institute employee. Based on 'The Big Five' personality model, this study develops hypothetical causal relationships of potential organization member's personality and their information system security and control. Research hypotheses are empirically tested with data collected from 901 employees. Results show that employees of high level security mind are the owner of conscientious and emotional stable personality and the employees of high level control mind are the owner of agreeable and emotional stable personality. Therefore the owner of agreeable and stable personality is higher security and control than others.



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