국내 휴양시설의 장애인 편의시설 실태분석에 관한 연구

An analysis of current Barrier-Free facilities in Leisure Building

  • 투고 : 2010.09.30
  • 심사 : 2010.11.13
  • 발행 : 2010.11.30


Despite the growing interest in recreation as one of the ways to maintain physical and mental health in modern society, access to leisure facility is an issue for individuals with disabilities. This paper identifies inaccessible features to propose the ways to promote participation and usage of the leisure facilities for individuals with disabilities. A survey of individuals with disabilities is conducted to determine preferred leisure facilities depending on types of disabilities. The result of this survey is used to evaluate current condition of regulated National leisure facility and forest, which include barrier-free facilities (e.g. interconnecting zones, interior spaces, lavatories and other facilities), signage, approachable information kiosks, emergency egress, and detectable warnings. The common issues (e.g. guiding mechanism, accessible route, safety factors, and barrier-free facilities/services) in various types of recreational facilities (e.g. forest recreational center, spa and hot springs, Amusement Park, ski resort) were identified and analyzed.



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