도르래를 이용한 파력발전기 프로토 타입 개발에 관한 연구

Development of the Prototype of Wave Energy Converter by a Pulley System

  • 정현석 (동서대학교 시스템경영공학과)
  • Jung, Hyun-Seok (Department of Systems and Management, Dongseo University)
  • 발행 : 2010.02.28


From the ancient times, there are waves in the ocean. And all the moving body have energy. We have a kind of hope to convert the wave energy into electric one. Finally we can find out a power generator mechanism that mainly use the principle of pulleys. We have made drawings for this and completed the wave energy converter. This wave energy converter consists of several pulleys, rope, generator, buoys and anchors. The distance between an anchor and buoy is changed according to the hight of waves. Several sets of anchors, pulleys and buoys can make the movement of rope, and the ropes wind up a converter axis. In case of 1 meter movement of the buoy, the winding distance will be amplified 2 or 3 times if we use several moving and fixed pulleys. Based on this concept, we developed 2 kind of prototypes. One is for the test in the laboratory and the other is for the field test. Through the two test, we could confirm the usability of this mechanism.



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