학령기 아동의 애착안정성, 사회불안 및 우울의 관계: 자기유능감의 매개 효과

Relationship of Attachment Security, to Social Anxiety, and Depression in School-aged Children: The Mediating Effect of Self Competency

  • 투고 : 2010.03.19
  • 심사 : 2010.04.22
  • 발행 : 2010.04.30


Purpose: This descriptive correlational study was designed to examine the relationship of attachment security to social anxiety and depression. In addition, the mediating effect of self competency in relation to attachment security and the other variables was investigated. Methods: Data were collected from 194 students in grade 5 or 6, and descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, and hierachical multiple regression were used with SPSS/PC 12.0 program to analyze the data. The instruments used were Kerns, Klepac and Cole's Security Scale, La Greca & Stones' Revised Social Anxiety Scales for children (SASC-R), Cho and Lee's Korean form of Kovacs' children's Depression Inventory (CDI) and Harter' Self-perception Profile for Children. Results: There were significantly negative effects between attachment security and the variables, social anxiety and depression. Also, self competency was negatively correlated with social anxiety and depression. Self competency had a significant mediating effect on the relation of social anxiety and depression to attachment security. Conclusion: For the effective management and prevention of social anxiety and depression in school-aged children, programs including strategies to increase self competency should be developed. These programs can increase self competency which has a mediator role between attachment security and the other variables (social anxiety and depression).



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  1. Self‐Perceived Competence in Mainland China: A Multiwave Longitudinal Examination of Internalizing Symptoms in Chinese Adolescents vol.25, pp.3, 2015,