선형 이산 시변시스템을 위한 고정시간 이동구간 제어

A Frozen Time Receding Horizon Control for a Linear Discrete Time-Varying System

  • 발행 : 2010.02.01


In the case of a linear time-varying system, it is difficult to apply the conventional stability conditions of RHC (Receding Horizon Control) to real physical systems because of computational complexity comes from time-varying system and backward Riccati equation. Therefore, in this study, a frozen time RHC for a linear discrete time-varying system is proposed. Since the proposed control law is obtained by time-invariant Riccati equation solved by forward iterations at each control time, its stability can be ensured by matrix inequality condition and the stability condition based on horizon for a time-invariant system, and they can be applied to real physical systems effectively in comparison with the conventional RHC.



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