The Need of Biofilter for Ammonia Removal in Recirculating Aquaculture System

  • Harwanto, Dicky (Department of Fisheries Biology, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Jo, Jae-Yoon (Department of Fisheries Biology, Pukyong National University)
  • Published : 2010.03.31


With the world's population increase, demands of fish production increased rapidly. Because of the demand increase, methods of aquaculture also become more intense. With the increasing intensity of aquaculture, more metabolites in the system are accumulated. The metabolites accumulated in the system turn to the causatives of water quality deterioration and become limiting factors for fish growth. Due to the toxicity of ammonia, ammonia removal is needed in aquaculture system. Biofilters, often referred as biological filter or nitrification filter are commonly used in recirculating aquaculture system to remove ammonia and convert it to nitrite, and then to nitrate.
