Semantic Network Analysis on the MIS Research Keywords: APJIS and MIS Quarterly 2005~2009

  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


This study compares and contrasts the intellectual development of the MIS field in Korea from 2005 to 2009 to that of international trends by using a keyword co-occurrence network analysis of the two flagship journals: APJIS and MIS Quarterly. From 316 research articles in these two journals, 132 unique and most frequently co-occurred keywords were put into analysis. The results of structural equivalence show a mild correlation between APJIS and MIS Quarterly. The e-commerce, trust, and technology adoption are the high frequency keywords in both journals. In Korea e-learning, purchasing, and recommendation systems turn out to be important keywords while outsourcing, research method, quantitative method, design research, information theory, and empirical research are in average international journals. This connotes that the Korean scholarship tends to focus more on practically oriented topics, but the clustering and relational mapping of research topics in each journal show a mild level of overlap with distinctive orientations due to intrinsic disparities depending on the concerned journals' geographical scopes, namely domestic or global.



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