A Study on the Evaluation of Value Indicator and Importance of Prototype Landscape in Rural Areas

농촌 원형경관의 문화재적 가치 속성 및 중요도 연구

  • Received : 2010.11.10
  • Accepted : 2010.12.12
  • Published : 2010.12.31


This study is to make value estimating system to valuate prototype landscape of rural and to derive itemized importance to select priority preservable object The results of the study are summarized as follows, It is examined value estimating standard by analyzing prototype landscape related previous study, law and order. Also, It is derived conclusive prototype landscape value estimating system by doing attribute assessment of preserving objects while surveying the site and interviewing professionals, Value estimating system is classified into five items of physical value which are integration, harmony, diversity, symbolism and aesthetics, The historical-cultural value are divided into four categories which are religious value, originality, historicity and scarcity, The communal values are divided into three categories which are sociality, continuing and regional locality and also divided into three categories which are rarity, primitiveness and diversity as the ecological value, Relative priority of prototype landscape value estimating system result is derived as historical-cultural value as the superior position and physical value, communal value and ecological value as the priority order. In the subordinate, historical categories are derived to be the most valuable and originality, symbolism, integration, regional locality, continuing, harmony, aesthetics, religious value, primitiveness, diversity of physical values and diversity of ecological value in order of the priority assessment The results of the study have the meaning of practical use in prior selection and preservation plan of preserving prototype landscape as practical alternative plan for systematical preservation of damaging prototype landscape.



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