전복의 거래에 있어 덤의 의미와 영향

The Significance and Influence of an Addition on the Abalone Transaction

  • 투고 : 2010.11.26
  • 심사 : 2010.12.24
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


Abalone is a primary commodity that is almost traded as live fishes. So the application of 'addition' is common in local transaction of abalone. Nevertheless, an excessive application of addition leads to some social problems. The abalone industry is one of the most rapidly growing industry in fisheries. This growth is caused by propagation of sea cage and mechanization of feeding. As a result, the abalone distributers are increased. However, the distributers have great bargaining power, so they sometimes claim excessive addition rates to aquacultural abalone producers. Difference in fitted level of the addition rates between distributers and producers cause some problems as an aversion to shipping of abalone. Also, the words about addition have not clear definition yet. So many related terminologies, for example, addition, deviation, and loss, those have different meaning are in used. And unfortunately many industry insiders use the words, 'addition', mixed with other related terminologies on transaction. The main objective of this study is to clearly define addition's meaning on the abalone transaction and to analyze the correlations between the addition and the abalone prices, outputs, and exports. Analysis results show addition negatively affects abalone prices and outputs. Furthermore, addition contributes to abalone exports negatively contrary to expectation. Such results can provide information that 'stabilization of supply and price of abalone' is realistically better method than 'increasing of additional rates' to expand abalone exports. Negative correlations between variables tell that a dictionary definition of addition, a free as seller's benevolence, is divorced from reality of abalone industry. Therefore "Loss", that means preservation in unintentional loss of abalone objects, is more suitable than "Addition" on abalone transaction.



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