Journal of Mushroom (한국버섯학회지)
- Volume 8 Issue 1
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- Pages.6-10
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- 2010
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- 1738-0294(pISSN)
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- 2288-8853(eISSN)
Characteristics of new commercial strain "Dasan" in Agrocybe chaxingu
차신고버섯 신품종 "다산"의 특성
Lee, Kwang-Jae
(Agricultural Product Processing Experiment Station, Gangwon Agricultural Research & Extention Services) ;
Park, Young-Hak
(Agricultural Product Processing Experiment Station, Gangwon Agricultural Research & Extention Services) ;
Ham, Hun-Ju
(Agricultural Product Processing Experiment Station, Gangwon Agricultural Research & Extention Services) ;
Eum, Won-Sik
(Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Hallym University) ;
Joo, Jin-Ho
(Department of Biological Environment, Kangwon National University) ;
- Kim, Kyung-Hee (Agricultural Product Processing Experiment Station, Gangwon Agricultural Research & Extention Services)
(강원도농업기술원 농산물이용시험장) ;
(강원도농업기술원 농산물이용시험장) ;
(강원도농업기술원 농산물이용시험장) ;
(한림대학교 생명공학연구소) ;
(강원대학교 자원생물환경학과) ;
- 김경희 (강원도농업기술원 농산물이용시험장)
- Received : 2009.11.05
- Accepted : 2009.11.30
- Published : 2010.03.31
A new commercial strain of Agrocybe chaxingu, "Dasan", was developed with crossing between monokaryotic strain derived from Jinhyang and GWM20502 strain. The optimum temperature, carbon source and nitrogen source for mycelial growth were
볏짚버섯속 유망버섯인 차신고버섯은 현재까지 1종만이 품종으로 등록되어 있는 실정으로 국내 고유품종 확보 및 버섯재배품종 다양화에 기여하고자 품종육성 연구를 수행한 결과, 차신고버섯 신품종 '다산'의 균사생장적온은