미세 유체 상 PDMS 고분자 필름의 펨토초 레이저 어블레이션 및 천공 임계치 연구

fs-laser Ablation and Optoperforation Threshold for PDMS Thin Film on $\mu$-channel

  • 우숙이 (한국표준과학연구원 첨단장비기술센터) ;
  • ;
  • 윤태오 (한국표준과학연구원 첨단장비기술센터) ;
  • 정세채 (한국표준과학연구원 첨단장비기술센터) ;
  • 박일홍 ((주)한빛나노바이오테크)
  • 발행 : 2010.02.01


We have investigated fs-laser ablation as well as optoperforation threshold of PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) thin lid cover on ${\mu}$-channel with changing the flow medium from water to hemoglobin. The ablation threshold is found to be independent of both PDMS thin film thickness and flow medium, but the optoperforation threshold is dependent on the films thickness. The observation that the ablation process is well described with simple two-temperature model supposed that the cover lid PDMS of $\mu$-channel be processed with minimized thermal effects by fs-laser with low laser fluence.



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