중국소비자의 라이프스타일 유형에 따른 시장세분화 - 상해를 중심으로 -

The Market Segmentation according to Lifestyle Types of Chinese Consumers: - Focused on Shanghai Residents -

  • 이지현 (세종대학교 유통프랜차이즈 연구소)
  • Lee, Ji-Hyun (Retail Franchise Institute of Sejong University)
  • 투고 : 2010.08.11
  • 심사 : 2010.10.18
  • 발행 : 2010.12.30


According to the economy recession of U.S.A and Europe, the value of China market has been increased. Therefore the in-depth studies were essential for the companies and brands which look for new rising market. This study typed Chinese consumers by lifestyle and analyze the demographics and clothing purchasing behavior. The result of the internet survey which was carried out targeting Shanghai residents, established several consumer types of men and women respectively. In case of male consumers, established 4 groups like indifferent to advertising/brand group, seriously considering brand/health group, seriously considering leisure group, and seriously considering education group. In case of female consumers, established 3 groups like seriously considering education/food group, seriously considering housing/leisure group, and seriously considering shopping group. These groups were showed significant differences to demographics and clothing purchasing behavior. These characteristics about the groups must be reflected to marketing and merchandising strategies.



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