Reverse Logistics in the E-Marketplace Supply Chain: A Two-Stage Return and Recycling Policy

전자상거래 공급망의 회수물류: 재활용을 고려한 이단계 반품정책

  • Received : 2010.08.13
  • Accepted : 2010.11.08
  • Published : 2010.12.31


This study investigates two-stage return policy and recycling issues in an e-marketplace supply chain consisting of consumers, a retailer and a manufacturer. The manufacturer, a focal company in the e-marketplace supply chain, considers the recycling of commercial returns so offers the retailer a buy-back contract of which transfer payment consists of a wholesale price and a buy-back price. Then, under the given contract offer, the retailer determines a selling price and a return policy to control consumers' demand and return requests. We consider the retailer's opportunistic behavior and supply chain coordination issues based on the principal-agent paradigm. We compare the first-best and second-best optima and conduct comparative static analyses to evaluate the performance results of the buy-back contract and provide important managerial implications.



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