The advantages of the $CO_2$ laser are offset by the delay in laser wound healing secondary to thermal damage. To minimize the undesirable thermal damage of the $CO_2$ laser, investigators have developed technical advances in the delivery system of the laser energy. This study compared tissue healing of the continuous and the pulsed modes $CO_2$ laser wounds in an animal surgery model. Five healthy Landrace and Yorkshire mixed breeds of both genders were used (45-51 kg, 4-6 months old, three males and two females). A full thickness wound of skin ($2{\times}2{\times}2cm^2$) was made over on the each pig's both sides of dorsal midline at 0, 7, 14, and 18 days. The wounds created at 18, 14, 7 and 0 days were named post-wounding day (PWD) 3, 7, 14 and 21, respectively. In each pig, one wound (left side) was treated pulsed $CO_2$ laser and the other wound (right side) was treated continuous wave $CO_2$ laser. Each wound was closed with two interrupted suture of 3-0 sutures. At 21 days after initial wounding, each wound was taken for histological evaluations. The degrees of reepithelialization were performed more prominently in the pulsed mode group than in the continuous mode group. The degrees of granulation were greater significantly in pulsed mode group than those in the continuous mode on PWD 3 (p < 0.05). The degrees of fibroblasts in the pulsed mode group were greater significantly in comparison to those in the continuous mode group on PWD 7, (p < 0.05). In conclusion, reepithelialization, granulation and fibroblasts in the pulsed mode group were greater markedly in comparison to those in the continuous mode group. It was considered that pulsed mode $CO_2$ laser was more suitable for the skin incision than the continuous mode $CO_2$ laser.
연속형 $CO_2$ 레이저와 펄스형 $CO_2$ 레이저를 이용한 돼지 피부절개 시 창상 치유에 미치는 영향을 평가하고자 본 실험을 실시하였다. 다섯 마리의 돼지(Landrace x Yorkshire) (45-51 kg, 4-6 개월령, 수컷 3마리, 암컷 2마리)를 이용 하였고, 각각의 돼지에서 우측 및 좌측의 등쪽 피부에 대칭적으로 연속형 $CO_2$ 레이저와 펄스형 $CO_2$ 레이저를 이용하여 절개($2{\times}2{\times}2cm^2$) 하였다. 양측 피부 절개는 Maxon 3-0 를 이용하여 봉합하였다. 수술 후 3, 7, 14, 21일에 병리조직학적 검사를 실시하였다. 창상 부위의 재상피화는 연속형 $CO_2$ 레이저 군에 비해 펄스형 $CO_2$ 레이저군에서 더 많이 이루어졌다. 육아조직 형성은 창상후 경과일 3일에 펄스 $CO_2$ 레이저군에서 유의적으로 높게 나타났다(P < 0.05). 섬유아세포는 창상후 경과일 7일에 펄스형 $CO_2$ 레이져군에서 유의적으로 많게 형성되었다(P < 0.05). 결론적으로 피부절개 시에 있어서 펄스형 $CO_2$ 레이저는 연속형 $CO_2$ 레이저에 비하여 재상피화, 육아조직형성 및 섬유아세포가 더 높게 나타났으며, 레이저 시술에 따른 조직손상을 적게 나타내었다. 따라서 피부절개 시에 있어서 펄스형$CO_2$ 레이저가 연속형 $CO_2$ 레이저 보다 더 적합할 것으로 판단된다.