Regional Characteristics of Street Fashion In China -Focused on Yanji, Beijing, Shanghai in 2008 F/W-

중국 스트리트 패션에 나타난 지역적 특성 -2008년 F/W, 엔지, 베이징, 상하이를 중심으로-

  • Kim, Chan-Ju (Dept. of Fashion & Industry, University of Incheon) ;
  • Yu, Hae-Kyung (Dept. of Fashion & Industry, University of Incheon)
  • 김찬주 (인천대학교 패션산업학과) ;
  • 유혜경 (인천대학교 패션산업학과)
  • Received : 2010.04.19
  • Accepted : 2010.10.19
  • Published : 2010.10.31


This paper investigates the regional characteristics of street fashion in China. Yanji, Beijing, Shanghai were chosen as three different cities in terms of location, weather, population, and industrial structure. A total of 592 pictures were collected through an internet and fashion magazine search for street fashion in Beijing and Shanghai in addition photos were taken for those in Yanji. Pictures of each city were classified into groups based on overall images covering top, bottom, and accessories to identify the characteristics of style in each group. The classification process included 2 stages. In the first stage, it produced 2 groups: formal and casual. The second stage divided formal into business formal and retro formal; casual was divided into II sub-groups that were easy, sporty, feminine, sexy, ethnic, girlish, nippon, trendy, bulky, military, and mixed. Easy casual showed the highest frequency for 3 cities and military style showed the lowest. Shanghai showed higher frequency in sporty, trendy, and military style than other cities. Each style exposed the similarities and differences in the cities that reflected different regional characteristics.



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