위장 이식편을 이용한 식도 재건술에서 위장 배출 지연 현상의 가시화

Visualization of Delayed Gastric Emptying Flows After Esophageal Reconstruction Using a Gastric Graft

  • 전혜진 (서울산업대학교 기계공학과(학부)) ;
  • 박희진 (서울산업대학교 기계공학과(학부)) ;
  • 성재용 (서울산업대학교 기계공학과) ;
  • 이재익 (가천의과대학 흉부외과학교실)
  • 발행 : 2010.01.08


The delayed gastric emptying flows have been visualized in this study when a gastric graft replaced an esophagus after esophagectomy. To construct visualization models for gastric grafts, the path data of gastric graft were extracted from the CT images for real patients and then the experimental models were made from silicone tube by considering elasticity of real stomach. During experiments, 200 ml of water or glycerin was poured into the gastric graft model and the gastric emptying time for total volume of fluid to pass pylorus was measured from the successive images captured by a high speed CCD. The gastric emptying time was compared according to the change of diameter and path (front or rear path) of gastric graft, and pyloroplasty or not. In case that the pyloroplasty was not conducted, the smaller was the diameter of gastric graft, the shorter was the gastric emptying time. However, if the pyloroplasty was conducted, the larger diameter of gastric graft was better for the gastric emptying. Although the rear path gave rise to longer gastric emptying time than the front path, it did not matter, if the pyloroplasty was conducted.



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