The Measurement of Radionuclides Concentration Ratio of the Aquatic Animal using the Chinese Minnow(Rhynchocypris Oxycephalus)

버들치를 이용한 수중 동물의 방사성동위원소 전이계수 측정

  • Received : 2009.11.05
  • Accepted : 2010.08.25
  • Published : 2010.09.30


An experiment measuring the concentration ratios of $^{137}Cs$ and $^{85}Sr$ in fish as an index aquatic animal was performed. The species was Chinese minnow (Rhynchocypris Oxycephalus), a Korean native freshwater species. Chinese minnows were reared in acryl aquarium which was 45 cm wide, 85 cm long and 50 cm high. Water in the aquarium was successively purified using filtering devices attached on the floor and the wall. Fish powder in a particulate form was supplied twice a day for feeding. After a radioactive solution was added to make the initial water concentrations approximately $0.02\;{\mu}Ci/l$ and $0.1\;{\mu}Ci/l$ for $^{137}Cs$ and $^{85}Sr$, respectively, the fish and water were sampled 10 times for a month. The concentration ratios were measured to be $0.348lkg^{-1}\sim13.906lkg^{-1}$ for $^{137}Cs$ and $0.474lkg^{-1}\sim13.089lkg^{-1}$ for $^{85}Sr$.

수중 지표동물인 어류의 $^{137}Cs$$^{85}Sr$ 전이계수 측정 실험이 수행되었다. 실험 어종은 우리나라 고유 담수종인 버들치(Chinese Minnow, Rhynchocypris Oxycephalus)였다. 버들치는 가로, 세로, 높이가 각각 45cm, 85cm, 50cm의 아크릴 수족관 내에서 사육되었다. 수족관 물은 바닥과 벽면에 설치된 여과기에 의해 연속적으로 정화되었다. 먹이로는 과립 형태의 어류 분말을 1일 2회 투여하였다. 수중 $^{137}Cs$$^{85}Sr$의 초기 농도가 각각 약 $0.02{\mu}Ci/l$$0.1{\mu}Ci/l$가 되도록 방사성 용액을 가한 다음 1개월 간 총 10회에 걸쳐 어류와 물 시료를 채취하였다. 전이계수는 $^{137}Cs$$(0.085\sim3.988)lkg^{-1}$, $^{85}Sr$$(0.348\sim13.906)lkg^{-1}$로 측정되었다.



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