Evolution of Nonvolatile Resistive Switching Memory Technologies: The Related Influence on Hetrogeneous Nanoarchitectures

  • 투고 : 2001.11.24
  • 심사 : 2010.12.01
  • 발행 : 2010.12.25


The emergence of different and disparate materials together with the convergence of both the 'old' and 'emerging' technologies is paving the way for integration of heterogeneous technologies that are likely to extend the limitations of silicon technology beyond the roadmap envisaged for complementary metal-oxide semiconductor. Formulation of new information processing concepts based on novel aspects of nano-scale based materials is the catalyst for new nanoarchitectures driven by a different perspective in realization of novel logic devices. The memory technology has been the pace setter for silicon scaling and thus far has pave the way for new architectures. This paper provides an overview of the inevitability of heterogeneous integration of technologies that are in their infancy through initiatives of material physicists, computational chemists, and bioengineers and explores the options in the spectrum of novel non-volatile memory technologies considered as forerunner of new logic devices.



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