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피인용 문헌
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- Knowledge, Performance and Stress about Care for Delirium in Orthopedic Hospital Nurses vol.20, pp.1, 2013, https://doi.org/10.5953/JMJH.2013.20.1.72
- Development of Korean Intensive Care Delirium Screening Tool (KICDST) vol.46, pp.1, 2016, https://doi.org/10.4040/jkan.2016.46.1.149
- Development and validation of the Korean Nursing Delirium Scale vol.42, pp.3, 2012, https://doi.org/10.4040/jkan.2012.42.3.414
- Automatic delirium prediction system in a Korean surgical intensive care unit vol.19, pp.6, 2014, https://doi.org/10.1111/nicc.12048
- Perception and Practice of Hospital Infection Control of Nursing Staff depending on the Supplementation of Nurses in Long-term Care Hospitals vol.21, pp.3, 2012, https://doi.org/10.5807/kjohn.2012.21.3.308
- Factors Influencing Performance of Delirium Care for Postoperative Delirium of Elderly Patients among Recovery Room Nurses vol.22, pp.3, 2016, https://doi.org/10.5977/jkasne.2016.22.3.387
- Nursing intervention versus usual care to improve delirium among home-dwelling older adults receiving homecare after hospitalization: feasibility and acceptability of a Randomized Controlled Trail vol.15, pp.1, 2016, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-016-0140-z
- Hospice-Palliative Care Nurses’ Knowledge of Delirium, Self-Efficacy and Nursing Performance on Delirium vol.21, pp.2, 2018, https://doi.org/10.14475/kjhpc.2018.21.2.65