건물의 높이.너비 측정하기 체험수학 활동을 통한 삼각함수 지도방안

A Study on Teaching Methods of Trigonometric Functions through Experimental Mathematics measuring height and width of buildings

  • Kim, Ki-Won (Department of Mathematics Education, Silla University) ;
  • Kim, Mi-Na (Master of Mathematics Education, Silla University)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


본 연구에서는 제7차 수학과 교육과정 10-나 삼각함수 단원에서 구체적 조작물과 실험을 이용한 건물의 높이 너비를 측정하는 체험수학 활동을 통하여 학생들이 수학수업에 흥미를 갖고 수학의 필요성을 느낄 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다.

The education of mathematics is comprised of formal thoughts so students lose interest and they don't have a chance to have a liberal mind. To solve this problem, recently, the flow of mathematic education is changing from formal mathematics to experimental mathematics, which focuses on student's activity and experience. Experimental mathematics can improve student's interest and participation. This study is about teaching methods of trigonometric functions through experimental mathematics measuring height and width of buildings. For measuring height of buildings we use clinometer and for measuring width of buildings we developed a mathematical tool with which we can measure angle for width of buildings. Through this activity, students obtained an interest in mathematics and they gained a positive attitude for the lesson. If we use this experimental mathematics method in high school, it's possible to reduce fears of mathematics and to increase an interest for mathematics.
