Comprehensive Security and Crisis & Emergency Management for Protecting Critical Infrastructure

  • Lee, Jae-Enn (Department of Public Administration Chungbuk National University)
  • Published : 2009.09.28


Recently, interest has heightened over 'critical infrastructures' and their reliability in the face of potential terrorist attack. Assault on any of the critical infrastructures as transportation, power, water, telecommunications, and financial services, entails great consequences for their users as well as the other interdependent critical infrastructures. How to protect our vital critical infrastructures is the key question in this paper. The purpose of this article is to suggest the implications for crisis and emergency management to protect the critical infrastructures in our society. For achieving the purpose, we examined the concept of comprehensive security, national crisis, and critical infrastructure and, using the holistic approach, we examined the comprehensive emergency management for suggesting the implications for establishing the critical infrastructure protection system; building up the high reliability organization, organizing and partnering, assessing the risk, preparing first responders, working with private owners of critical infrastructures, working with communities, improving the administrative capacity.



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