User Perceptions of Uncertainty in the Selection of Information Retrieval System: Implications for System and Service Improvement

  • Kim, Yang-Woo (Division of Knowledge & Information, Hansung University)
  • Published : 2009.09.28


While numerous studies have suggested the significance of uncertainty during the process of information-seeking, less research has investigated user uncertainty in the actual search process using a real system. This study investigated user perceptions of uncertainty in the process of the selection of information retrieval system in the real information-seeking process. Considering the role of commercial Web search engines as supplementary tools for traditional bibliographic databases in academic research environments, this study analyzed the selection behavior of scholarly researchers, who use such search tools for their academic study. The researchers were limited to the discipline of science in order to understand user perceptions in this field. The findings revealed various dimensions, types, and incidents of uncertainty. Variations appeared in different incidents of uncertainty relating to the unique characteristics of the subjects' information-seeking context. The identification of three principal origins of uncertainty based on the different types of uncertainty generated implications to improve information systems and services.



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