아이들의 숲 체험과 그에 대한 인상적인 기억에 관한 질적 탐구

Qualitative Inquiry on Impressive Memories of Children Experienced in Forest

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


The purpose of this study is to qualitatively inquiry the narratives on the most impressive memories of children experienced in the forest. Considering Pestalozzi's argument that nature is a true teacher, the authors of this study attempted to identify and understand what kinds of experiences children did in the forest and what they learned from the experiences via the narratives of the children. In the process of analysis, the children's narratives were classified into 'narrative on the forest,' 'narrative on the most impressive moments,' 'narrative on changes,' and 'narrative on narratives.' Via the narrative analysis, it was identified that when, with whom, where, why the children went to the forest and that how their thoughts and behaviors on 'the forest,' 'other people,' and 'oneself from the emotions and experiences in the specific moments in the forest were changed. Furthermore, the thoughts and attitudes of the children on the forest narratives including what they wanted to friends on their experiences in the forest and their impressions on talking about the forest in this research were identified.
