기초 탐구 활동 중심 환경 수업이 초등학생들의 환경적 태도에 미치는 효과 - 초등학교 2학년 슬기로운 생활을 중심으로 -

An Effect of Inquiry Activity-based Environmental Education Class on Elementary School Students' Environmental Attitudes - Focusing on the Intelligent Life of the Second Grade -

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


This article extracted feasible elements for an environmental education program from the 'Intelligent Life', an integrated subject of the 7th elementary school curriculum, and designed a program for second graders in the elementary school and applied it to them in order to examine how the students' environmental altitudes changed. In the controlled class, the instruction followed the lessons specified in the 7th national curriculum faithfully while for the experimental class 1, only the inquiry activity-based environmental education program was applied. Moreover, in experimental class 2, the inquiry activity-based environmental education program was implemented and wrap-up activity was performed as well with the products. To verify the program, questionnaires on the change of environmental altitudes were distributed and analyzed total three times in the pretest, posttest 1(right after the program), and posttest 2(30 days after the program). T-test was carried out with the SPSS 12 program to verify the effect of the applied program. To make up for the quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis was also conducted. The followings show the results gained after the program was implemented. First, This program showed a significant difference(p<.05) in the students' formation of environmental altitudes. Second, it was verified that the inquiry activity-based environmental education class that reorganized the second grade elementary students' 'Intelligent Life' subject had a more positive effect in the cultivation of environmental altitude than the class that followed the present curriculum as it was. It will be necessary to perform follow-up researches on the relativity between curricula for kindergarteners and lower grade elementary school students.
