신뢰성 성장모형에 대한 소프트웨어 신뢰성 메트릭 추정량의 민감도 분석

Sensitivity analysis of software reliability metric estimator for Software Reliability Growth Models

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


When we estimate the parameters of software reliability models, we usually use maximum liklihood estimator(MLE). But this method is required a large data set. In particular, when we want to estimate it with small observed data such as early stages of testing, we give rise to the non-existence of MLE. Therefore, it is interesting to look into the influence of parameter estimators obtained using MLE. In this paper, we use two non-homogenous poisson process software reliability growth model: delayed S-shaped model and log power model. In this paper, we calculate the sensitivity of estimators about failure intensity function for two SRGMs respectively.



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