범어사 보제루의 복원을 위한 건축형식 연구

A Study on the Architectural Form for the Restoration of Boje-roo in Beomeo-sa

  • 투고 : 2009.10.15
  • 심사 : 2009.12.31
  • 발행 : 2009.12.30


This thesis aims to analyze the architectural form for the restoration of noogak(樓閣), Boje-roo(普濟樓) which was constructed at the central court of Beomeo-sa(梵魚寺). The results are as follow; 1. Boje-roo was established in 1700. By the constructional records and poetic essays of the times, the architectural of the establishment building was consisted fo two stories structure. The passage system for the approach to the court was the nuha-jinip(樓下進入), that is to say, one might walk between the columns of lower story of the building. And one could ascent the upper stairs and approach to the upper level, inner court. 2. By the remodelling in 1812, the building was varied to one story structure. Therefore the passage system for the approach to the inner court transformed from the nuha-jinip to the ugak-jinip(隅角進入), that is to say, one might ascent the atairs of the podium and could approach the inner court through the both sides of the building. 3. Under the Japanese imperialistic rule, the structure of it's roof and walls of Boje-roo were altered to the Japanese style. In 1965, the wooden columns were shifted to the concreted column, and the wooden wall-panels were shifted to the brick wall attached stone slates. 4. Conclusively speaking, for the restoration of Boje-roo, the establishment form in 1700 is the more proper than the remodelling form in 1812.



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