기문(記文)으로 본 세조(世祖)연간 왕실원찰(王室願刹)의 전각평면과 가람배치

Architectural Plan And layout of Buddhist Temples(Wangsil-Wonchal) on through the Study of Records about Temple's Foundation during King Sejo(世祖) Period

  • 이경미 (주, 금성종합건축사사무소 연구소)
  • 투고 : 2009.08.18
  • 심사 : 2009.10.30
  • 발행 : 2009.10.30


The study on Buddhism architecture in early Joseon dynasty was inactive. The period of King Sejo is important for studying the trend of Buddhism architecture in early Joseon, that was transmitted from the end of Goryeo dynasty, but it was difficult to know its exact situation due to lack of related records. The records were all written by Kim Su-ohn, which are Wongaksabi' 'Sangwonsajungchanggi' 'Bongseonsagi 'Geonginsajungchanggi'. The main hall was mainly second floor and there were necessarily annexed buildings at the right and left of the main hall. So the plane figure of $\Box\Box\Box$ was shown. It was a main stream for main hall. This layout may be referred to search for the origin of the layout in courtyard based structure(中庭形) in the late Joseon dynasty. Most of temples had 3 gates. Some part of horizontal corridor was used as 2 gates and the outer gate, far from main hall, was without corridor. The gate leading to front yard of main hall was called front gate, the next middle gate and the outer gate was Oisamun(外沙門) or Samun(沙門). Im most of the temples, people could enter into the front yard through pavilion which had the function of bell tower. The pavilions were located between front gate and first corridor. It is thought that this layout of the place for making bean curd outside the temple area will contribute to different studies on temples making bean cure in the future. The records about temples's foundation studied above are a little different between temples, but have more similarities. There common denominators represent the architecture tendency of Buddhist temples in the related period. It is thought that such a tendency was also shown on architecture of other temples during the reign of King Sejo as well as Buddhist temples.



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