지속가능한 관광개발 전략에 관한 연구: 카메룬 관광개발을 중심으로

A Study on the Alternative Approach to Sustainable Tourism Development in Cameroon

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


관광개발을 통한 국가발전을 도모하기위한 전략은 모든 국가들의 공통된 사안이다. 특히 경제적으로 안정된 선진국보다는 개발도상국이나 미개발국가에서 매우 선호되는 국가성장대안이 된다. 특히 인문자원보다는 자연자원을 활용하여 관광개발을 추진하려는 국가에서는 매우 신중한 개발전략 모색이 요구되며, 관광개발의 효과를 극대화하기위한 방안들이 수립되어지고 있다. 본 연구는 미개발국의 성장동력을 관광개발로 지정하고, 모든 가용자원을 접적화하여, 미래의 생존전략을 모색하기위한 방안을 강구하기위한 실증분석을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 아프리카 카메룬의 관련 전문가들을 중심으로 설문과 면접을 통해 국가성장동력으로의 관광산업을 지속가능하게 추진할 있는 전략을 제시하였다.

The drive for sustainable economic growth for the sub Saharan African region continues to occupy a central place in the debate of how to move the region forward. For decades, governments, policy makers, Non Governmental Organizations and world bodies including the World Bank, IMF, ADB, USIAD and the European Union have engaged policies aimed at bringing solutions to the horrendous poverty crisis to nations of this region. Despite these noble actions and intents, poverty and underdevelopment has prevailed in countries of the region such as Cameroon. Cameroon is mainly an agricultural economy with its products facing declining prices and competition from synthetic substitutes resulting to deficits of balance of trades. This has resulted to borrowing and debt. At the same time, it is a country blessed with an abundance of tourist resources. From the literature review, tourism potency to economic growth is overwhelming. This research was motivated by the quest to find answers to questions such as; why development policies during the last two decades not succeeded in achieving Economic growth in countries of this region particularly Cameroon and why the country/ region still beleaguered by poverty and debt despite haven implemented various economic development plans. In recent years, the role of tourism has become increasingly recognized in its role of economic growth and poverty alleviation. This study attempts to unveil tourism's contribution to economic growth and to push for Tourism development as an al ternative economic growth alternative to Cameroon. Previous economic policies have ignored to tie economic growth within the country's socio-economic, geo-political and environmental circumstances. Findings from this work suggest that any sound economic policy can not afford to ignore the country's stock of both human and fiscal capital. Findings presented herewith validate Tourism as a feasible indigenous economic growth alternative that helps bringing employment, capital investment and protect the environmental ruin.
