영어동화를 활용한 다중지능영역별 활동이 농촌 지역 유아의 언어기능에 미치는 효과

Effects of Multiple-Intelligence Activities Using English Children's Tales on the Linguistic Capacity of Children for Rural Areas

  • 민현정 (한서대학교 영재교육계발연구소) ;
  • 함정현 (한서대학교 영재교육계발연구소)
  • 투고 : 2009.02.05
  • 심사 : 2009.03.14
  • 발행 : 2009.03.30


The objective of this study, which applies the multiple-disciplinary approach to the developmental characteristics of children, is to study and develop a class model that can be applied to actual kindergarten classes in rural area. For this purpose, this study proposes teaching and learning methodologies for children based on English children's tales to help make the English education of children more effective and efficient. Based on the findings, the following suggestions should be considered for improving the English-education class model for kindergartners for rural areas: First, various activities based on the multiple-intelligence approach are important methods of children-oriented education advanced by the Sixth Children's Curriculum, helping children grow their independence and creativity. Second, various activities developed by this study on the basis of the multiple-intelligence approach to promote children's reading, listening, speaking, and writing abilities helped children improve their linguistic capacities, improve creativity, and remain motivated, which was reinforced by the differences found between the test group and the control group.



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