패션 소매 경영과정을 위한 교과과정 연구 - 한국과 미국 대학교를 중심으로 -

Study of Fashion Retail Management Curriculum - 4-year Colleges in Korea and the USA -

  • 정현주 (동의대학교 패션디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.28


The purpose of this study was to compare the curricula majored in fashion retail related area at 4-year colleges in Korea and the USA. Courses were divided into 15 elements including basics, design, production, textile, marketing, industry, merchandise planning, promotion, consumer behaviour, management, business, organization, internship and etc.. The research findings were as follows: 1. Most of 'industry' related majors in Korea consisted of fashion manufacture-oriented curricula elements including design, pattern making, tailoring, draping and textile sciences. 2. Fashion Marketing major stressed on a merchandising element and a marketing one, and the Fashion major focused on the promotion element and the merchandising element as well. However, the retail element was less focused than other elements in the Korean colleges. 3. Fashion Retail related majors in the USA College were likely to focus on the practical fashion retail management elements including retail, marketing, management, business, organization behavior and internship specialized by the major. The different curricula between two countries were clearly existed in terms of the major name and the construction of the course element. The results made in the research would be applied with some modification or adjustments in the fashion retail oriented curricula in order to produce the competitive retail human resource in Korea.



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