서비스 경험과 브랜드 명성이 구전의도에 미치는 영향: 미용실서비스를 중심으로

Effects of Service Experience and Brand Reputation on Intention by Word of Mouth : Focused on Beauty Salon Service

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


The purpose of this research is to investigate the influences of service experience and brand reputation on intention by word of mouth(WOM) when consumers get experiences at beauty salon. We made 2(valence of service experience: positive/negative) ${\times}$ 2(brand reputation level: high/low) subjects experimental design in order to find reason that there is a significant difference of intention by word of the mouth between positive experience condition and negative experience condition. Also we tried to find the interaction of two factors. To test our hypothesis, an experiment was performed on 68 university students in seoul area. Specifically, we used 2-way ANOVA and planned contrast method through SPSS 12.0 procedure. As a result, a two-way ANOVA demonstrated a significant main effect of service experience, which means that people more intend to make WOM when they experience a negative service than a positive service. Also the ANOVA showed a significant interaction effect between service experience and brand reputation, which represents that people more intend to make WOM for high-reputed(low-reputed) brand than low-reputed(high-reputed) brand when they encounter negative(positive) services.



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