컨베이어 분기점에서의 최적 인출 컨베이어 선택 문제

Optimal Conveyor Selection Problem on a Diverging Conveyor Junction Point

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


This research investigates the problem of minimizing setup costs in resequencing jobs having first-in, first-out(FIFO) constraints at conveyorized production or assembly systems. Sequence changing at conveyor junctions in these systems is limited due to FIFO restriction. We first define the general problem of resequencing jobs to workstations satisfying precedence relationships between jobs(Generalized Sequential Ordering Problem, GSOP). Then we limit our scope to FIFO precedence relationships which is the conveyor selection problem at a diverging junction(Diverging Sequential Ordering Problem, DSOP), modeling it as a 0-1 integer program. With the capacity constraint removed, we show that the problem can be modeled as an assignment problem. In addition, we proposed and evaluated the heuristic algorithm for the case where the capacity constraint cannot be removed. Finally, we discuss the case study which motivated this research and numerical results.



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