What matters in the society of knowledge and information is not that they just know certain facts, but that when faced with new situations, they should be able to develop novel ideas, apply them and do the problems or the tasks confronting them. This cannot be achieved through learning of mere knowledge. Computer programming lessons have shown positive effects on general thinking ability, metacognitive aspects, and logical thinking. The ACM has suggested that 8th grade students at the first level (second year students of middle school) be educated in programming languages such as LOGO to raise their ability to think logically. Previous studies have confirmed educational programming languages such as LOGO and BASIC, which are currently used, are helpful in improving the ability to think logically and to solve problems. However these languages lack connectivity with later learning. Little research has been done on 'Dolittle', an educational programming language, newly developed, using object-oriented notions. Few studies have been made of the effects of 'Dolittle' on the ability to think logically. The following results were obtained. The research didn't lead to a statistically significant improvement of the students' cognitive development level. However, proportional logic and combinational logic, among the six subcategories of logic, improved through the introduction of 'Dolittle' programming lessons. This leads to the conclusion that in the processing of solving the problems given, the students learned by themselves and improved their ability to think logically.
지식정보 사회에서 살아갈 사람들에게 중요시되는 능력은 새로운 상황에 당면했을 때, 새로운 아이디어를 개발하고 이를 적용해 주어진 문제를 해결할 수 있는 논리적 사고력이 요구된다. ACM은 논리적 사고력 향상을 위해 프로그래밍언어를 통한 교육이 필요하다고 제시하고 있으나 현재 사용되고 있는 교육용 프로그래밍언어는 개념 중심이며 차후학습으로의 연계성이 상당히 부족하다. 이에 이 논문에서는 보다 효과적인 논리적 사고력 형성을 위해 교육용프로그래밍 언어인 '두리틀'을 소개하고 이를 실제 수업에 적용하여, 인지발달 수준과 논리적 사고력 형성 및 구체적 하위 논리에 미치는 효과를 분석해 본 결과 논리적 사고력 향상에 효과적임을 확인할 수 있다.