호텔 객실 디자인에 내재된 상징적 표현에 관한 연구 - C.G. Jung의 상징이론을 중심으로 -

A Study on the Symbolic Expressions Immanent in Designs of Hotel Guest Rooms - Based on the Symbolic Theory of C.G. Jung -

  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


Contemporary hotels adopt distinctive designs in order to symbolize themes of various spaces they consist of. This phenomenon shows that the importance of spiritual values reflected through themes of spaces is emphasized as much as those of basic functions and structures of hotels. Above all, a variety of expression methods pervading throughout spaces of guest rooms consist of thematic spaces, visualization of emotions, as well as mixture of artistic genres, ones that are originated from unconsciousness of symbolic theory of C.G. Jung and widely perceived as variations of archetype. Meanings of symbolic expressions derived from the analysis of various hotels can be defined by attributes of local cultures as well as propensities of mythicism, which feature local pride enlightened by natural environments, the spirit of the times, historical events and other transcendental and fantastic topics. These symbolic expressions are metaphysical forms that are made unconsciously and such symbols are far beyond mere historical and cultural signs which require us profound and mature methods to approach. It is pleasing to know that we are living in the modern society in which progresses are being made to better understand minds and metal states of human beings. Given such a circumstantial advantage, researches on meanings of symbolic expressions should not be limited to only those of hotel designs, but also those of religious architectures and museums in which spiritual values are emphasized throughout designs of the spaces they consist of.



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