공무원연금제도에 대한 확률적 고찰

Probabilistic Approach to Government Employee Pension System

  • 발행 : 2009.07.31


공무원연금제도가 도입된 지 40여 년이 지난 현재, 기대여명의 증가로 인해 수급자가 크게 늘어나 부양률이 상승하면서 공무원연금 재정이 문제가 되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 현재 공무원연금제도와 노령화 수준을 반영한 확률모형을 설정하여 개인가입자의 혜택수준을 검토하며, 연금재정의 안정성을 모의실험 하였다. 연구방법으로는 개인가입자별 총기여금과 총수령금의 기대값을 비교하는 방법과 몬테카를로 모의시행을 통해 기금의 파산확률 및 준비금, 국가보전금을 구해보는 방법을 이용하였다.

This article examines the financial soundness of the government employee pension system(GEPS). We use a model that simplifies the existing GEPS considering survival probability distribution of the life of employees. Two approaches were selected for the research: One is the expected net value of pension for an individual employee and the other is the default probability of the system from Monte-carlo simulation. The outcome reveals following three possibilities. First of all, the individual expected net value presents unfairness between the retiree's premium and the benefit he/she receives. Secondly, the Monte-carlo simulation suggests that the default is highly likely to happen in less than 30 years. Thirdly, the governmental reserve and subsidy for GEPS should be required to a certain degree in order to alleviate the probability of default less than 5 percent for the next 30 years.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Analysis of the 2015 reform plan of government employees pension system (GEPS) through monte carlo simulations vol.27, pp.1, 2016,