Exploring Culture Dimensions and Enablers in Quality Management Practices : Some Findings

  • Pun, Kit Fai (Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, The University of the West Indies) ;
  • Jaggernath-Furlonge, Surujdaye (Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, The University of the West Indies)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


Although many adherents openly praise the importance of quality management practices (QMP) in organisations, others have identified significant costs and implementation obstacles. Some recent studies showed that QMP have failed due to the ignorance of quality cultures. How to improve the success rate of QMP in organisations has become a critical issue both in the academy and in practice. This paper discusses the common enablers of and cultural impacts on QMP. It explores the dimensions of national versus organisational culture, and identifies the main features of four quality culture models as advocated in the literature in relation to facilitating QMP in organisations. It was found that flat structures, decentralised functions, empowerment, flexibility, innovation, limited rules and regulations and teamwork favor the QMP implementation. For facilitating culture changes for QMP, values associated with low power distance, low uncertainty avoidance and collectivism would have to be nurtured. Further research is needed to incorporate the findings and develop a practical quality culture approach for real applications in industry.



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