폐주기(肺主氣)에 관한 고찰

Study on the Pye(Fei)/Lungs Control Ki(Qi)

  • 송지청 (원광대학교 한의학전문대학원) ;
  • 정헌영 (원광대학교 한의과대학 원전학교실)
  • Song, Ji-Chung (Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Jung, Hun-Young (Department of Oriental Medicine Classics, College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.25


The Pye is one of the organs in oriental medicine, which has functions of controlling Ki. The Lungs is also a organ that has a function of respiration, in western medicne. Ki means the air in the first notion. Therefore, the functions of the Lungs and Pye are no differences. However, Ki doesn't mean the air only. Respiration in western medicne has two meanings. One of them is a external respiration, ang the other is a cellular respiration. In that process, the Lungs supervise oxygen and oxidation of protein, carbohydrate and fat and prduce ATP as energy. Two of Functions in Ki are Choodong(推動;Tuidong) and Onhoo(溫煦;Wenxu). Choodong means making energy ang Onhoo means making heat, that indicate a similarity functions of Pye and Lungs from the view of making energy.



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