고령 지산동 제73호분 출토 직물의 특성

The Characteristics of Textiles Excavated in Goryeong Jeesandong Tomb No.73

  • Park, Yoon-Mee (Advanced Materials Research Center, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Choi, Jae-Hyun (Daedong Research Center for Cultural Properties)
  • 발행 : 2009.07.31


Goryeong Jeesandong tombs No.73 from the 5th century located in Gyeongsangbookdo is the most representative remains of the Daegaya. They were excavated and examined by the Daedong Research Center for Cultural Properties. In this study, the textiles in the Goryeong Jeesandong tomb No.73 is identified and their features are examined through scientific analysis. Due to the fact that the remains were not treated for preservation, we were able to observe many samples under the microscope. Within the hemp textiles both hemp and ramie were made using s-twist threads and the thread count distribution is calculated to be 8.0${\sim}$20.0/$cm^2$. Among the silk, the taffeta was categorized into five types. First, there was plain woven silk which the thickness of the warp and the weft is the same and their rate of threadcount was the same. The second type was thin tabby which is spacious between threads. The third kind was woven by warp and weft which had very different thickness. The fourth type used two threads for each warp. The fifth kind used two threads for the warp threads and used thick threads for the weft for a modified plain weave, and it is the first of its kind to be found. Also, there was a compound weave with warp-faced compound weave among silk.



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