공익마케팅을 전개하는 패션 브랜드에 대한 소비자태도와 친숙성이 신뢰와 구매.추천의도에 미치는 영향

Influence of Consumer Attitudes and Familiarity toward a Fashion Brand with a Cause Marketing Program on Credibility, Purchase and Word-of-mouth Intention

  • 발행 : 2009.07.31


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the cause marketing on fashion brand credibility, purchase and words of mouth ("WOM") intentions. This study adopted a survey method with the questionnaire. Data were collected from respondents who were graduated from higher than elementary school students. The data were analyzed by using statistic methods such as frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability test and structural equation modelling. The results of the data analysis of this study are as follows; firstly, brand familiarity and customer attitude have a directly positive effect on the credibility, purchase and WOM intentions. Fashion business companies should work up the ways of communications with the customers besides cause marketing for the brand familiarity. It is necessary for customers to be known about how the fashion business companies participate in cause marketing to enhance the value of positive brand attitude. Secondly, while the brand familiarity on the credibility, purchase and WOM intentions are effective to female customers, the brand attitude is effective to male customers. Thirdly, even though it was showed that the credibility of fashion brands have no significant effects on purchase and WOM intention, it is due to its own nature of fashion business and it is founded in preceding research that high-involved fashion products may have different results in comparison with the practical products.



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