Implicit Knowledge on Children's Leadership and Creative Leaders' Styles by Teachers and Children

아동 리더십에 관한 교사와 아동의 암묵적 지식과 양측이 리더로 지각한 아동들의 창의적 리더 유형 차이

  • Pyo, Jung-Min (Dept. of Child Psychology & Education, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Choe, In-Soo (Dept. of Child Psychology & Education, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • 표정민 (성균관대학교 인재개발학과) ;
  • 최인수 (성균관대학교 인재개발학과 및 아동학과)
  • Received : 2009.04.30
  • Accepted : 2009.11.11
  • Published : 2009.12.31


This study examined differences between teachers' and children's implicit knowledge, perception and characteristics of leaders, and creative leadership styles of perceived leaders. The 207 elementary 6th grade student and 13 elementary teacher participants completed open questionnaires. Results showed that (1) 30% of implicit knowledge of children's leadership between teachers and children were different; teachers included more charismatic features; children focused on responsibilities of leaders. (2) The list of perceived leaders' traits were similar to the implicit traits in both groups. (3) Scores of perceived leaders by teachers and children were higher in creativity and leadership than those of ordinary children. Over 75 percent of perceived leaders were also classified as creative leaders.



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