A Qualitative Study of Five-Year-Old Children's Daily Activities at the Daycare Center

어린이집에서의 만5세 유아의 일과 분석

  • Received : 2009.04.30
  • Accepted : 2009.07.07
  • Published : 2009.08.31


In order toidentify the daily activities of five-year-old children in a daycare center, the 23 children in "Yellow" class at "Yellow" Daycare Center were observed for seven months. Research was informed by a qualitative approach. Findings were that : children were rigidly attached to a time frame built into their daily classroom schedule, arranged by time and classroom space allotted to each unit. The meaning to the children was to be found in their "busyness;" they were very busy finalizing activities imposed by teachers within a short period of time. They spent most of their time moving about from one space to another within the classroom, and they played with their mostly artificial toys under rules set by the teacher.



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