유아의 성, 연령, 정서행동문제 수준에 따른 유아기 두려움 목록 분석

Analysis of the Fear Inventory by Preschoolers' Sex, Age, and Degree of Emotional and Behavioral Problems

  • 구미향 (호남대학교 유아교육학과)
  • 투고 : 2009.02.27
  • 심사 : 2009.05.07
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


The purpose of this study was to describe preschoolers' perceptions of fear from their own perspective. Qualitative data from 213 preschoolers 4 to 6 years of age were obtained by semi-structured interviews. The fear inventory was analyzed by content analysis and frequency. The most common fears of preschoolers in this study were fear of ferocious animals and imaginary figures, such as tigers, lions, snakes, spirits and ghosts. Fear of ghosts was the primary fear of both boys and girls. Results showed that most fears were caused by disgust-related visual images. Worry about injury and pain was another common pathway to fear. At-risk preschoolers scored significantly higher than normal preschoolers on fears of criticism and getting an injection.



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