아동의 또래 인기도에 따른 거짓말에 대한 이해, 도덕적 판단 및 정서 반응

Understanding, Moral Judgment, and Emotional Reactions about Different Types of Lies : Links to Children's Popularity

  • 투고 : 2008.10.31
  • 심사 : 2009.01.16
  • 발행 : 2009.02.28


This study investigated how peer popularity is linked to children's understanding, moral judgment, and emotional reactions about three different types of lies. Participants were second (n=53) and fourth (n=54) grade children. Results showed that (1) popular children afforded better understanding of white lies than unpopular children; most children understood the definition of an antisocial lie, but not a trick lie. (2) Popular children rated lies more positively than unpopular children. Second graders did not differentiate between the morality of white and trick lies; fourth graders rated white lies as the least serious type of lie. (3) Second graders anticipated greater positive emotional reaction for antisocial lies and greater negative emotional reaction for white lies and trick lies, respectively, than fourth graders.



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