만5세 유아의 주의력결핍과잉행동장애(ADHD) 출현과 어머니-교사, 교사-교사간 평정일치

Prevalence of ADHD in 5-Year Old Children Based on Comparative Assessment of ADHD Rating Scale Estimation between Mother-Teacher and Teacher-Teacher

  • 제경숙 (경남대학교 유아교육과)
  • Jae, Kyung-Sook (Department Early Childhood Education, Kyungnam University)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.01


The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of ADHD based on estimation of ADHD rating scale between mother-teacher and teacher-teacher. In total, 491 mothers and 23 teachers rated 689 5-year-old children on the K-ADHDDS. Descriptive statistics, in addition to independent and paired samples t-test were performed. Overall, the percentages of children with ADHD on the rating scale were 3% in combined type, 7.1-8.6% in predominately hyperactive-impulsive type, and 4.2% in predominately inattentive type. Boys tended to show greater tendency of ADHD than girls’: Overall, ADHD tendency in boys was 1.3 times greater than girls. Specially, 2.3 times more for hyperactivity, 1.4 times more for impulsivity, and 3.4 more for inattention. The correlation between mothers’ and teachers’ ratings were .35 for total, .40 for hyperactivity, .24 for impulsivity, and .28 for inattention, and there were no significant differences. Alternatively teacher and teacher ratings were .71 for total, .70 for hyperactivity, .70 for impulsivity, and .67 for inattention, and there were significant differences in inattention subscale(p < .01).



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