자아정체감 형성을 돕는 교수 - 학습 과정안 개발과 수업 적용 효과 : 중학교 1학년 기술.가정교과'자아정체감의 발달'영역을 중심으로

Research on the Application and Effectiveness of a Teaching and Learning Curriculum Fostering the Development of Self-Identity: With a Focus on the 'Self-Identity Development' Units in Technology and Home Economics Textbooks

  • Lee, Hyun-Jung (Kyongpo Girls’ Middle School) ;
  • Cho, Byung-Eun (Department of Home Economics Education, Korea National University of Education)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.01


The purpose of this research is to analyze the development of a teaching and learning curriculum contributing to the development of self-identity, one of the most important developmental tasks during adolescence, and its effectiveness. This research analyzed the contents concerning self-identity and its subordinate concepts in 12 different technology and home economics textbooks for 7th graders. Based on the analysis, a teaching and learning curriculum contributing to the development of adolescents’' self-identity was developed and applied to classes through discretional creative activities. The effectiveness of the curriculum was analyzed by conducting a survey on the students before and after its application. Assessments were also conducted on the lessons applied. As a result, the lessons designed to help the development of self-identity increased the scores of self-identity, as well as all subordinate concepts, including subjectivity, self-acceptance, future planning, intimacy, stability and uniqueness. An ANCOVA analysis was conducted in order to determine whether the enhanced results of the survey after the classes were due to the application of the curriculum. It was found that the classes proved helpful to the students as the application of the curriculum remained effective even after the other influencing factors affecting selfidentity were controlled.



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