"삼화자향약방(三和子鄕藥方)"의 부원(復原)연구

A Study of the Restoration of Samhwajahyangyakbang

  • 투고 : 2009.10.22
  • 심사 : 2009.12.23
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Samhwajahyangyakbang, a medical book of Hyangyak which was presumed to be published by Samhwaja in the late Goryeo dynasty, became the original source of Hyangyakganibang. As Hyangyakganibang became the original source of Hyangyakjesengjipseongbang which was supplemented to be Hyangyakjipseongbang, Samhwajahyangyakbang is a fundamental book which is the original source of Hyangyak medical books such as Hyangyakganibang and Hyangyakjipseongbang in the late Goryeo and the early Chosun dynasty. I restored the articles of Samhwajahyangyakbang, mainly focusing on the remaining articles in Hyangyakjipseongbang, followed by supplementing some other remaining articles with the help of , a database of old medical books, and then, recorded and discussed the results in the paper. 1. The remaining articles of Samhwajahyangyakbang were found in Hyangyakjipseongbang, Uibo and Uibanghappyeon. Among them, there is a prescription which is not overlapped in Uibanghappyeon. 2. The classification system of Hyangyakjipseongbang was alternatively adopted due to the absence of classification or table of contents in Samhwajahyangyakbang. 3. There are a total number of 152 articles in the restored Samhwajahyangyakbang and 151 articles out of the total number have been restored from Hyangyakjipseongbang. There are 5 articles which remain as notes in the citations of other books in Hyangyakjipseongbang. 4. There are a total number of 246 prescriptions in the restored Samhwajahyangyakbang. 5. Even though Samhwajahyangyakbang is a concise medical book, it is one of the core medical books which are cited in Hyangyakjipseongbang. In addition, it is the most frequently cited in Hyangyakjipseongbang among the Korean medical books. It implies that the compilers of Hyangyakjipseongbang considered Samhwajahyangyakbang the most valuable book among the Hyangyak medical books. It is speculated that such results could be achieved because Samhwajahyangyakbang was very popular in those days and its' printing quality was also good. On the contrary, the number of citations of Hyangyakgugeupbang is much less than that of Samhwajahyangyakbang. It is presumed that Hyangyakgugeupbang could not be distributed widely not because it was less valuable but because its' printing quality was poor.



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