LED 색광에 대한 살오징어의 행동반응

Behavioral reaction of common squid Todarodes pacificus to different colors of LED Light

  • 안영일 (강원도립대학 해양경찰과) ;
  • 정학근 (한국에너지기술연구원 건물에너지연구센터) ;
  • 정봉만 (한국에너지기술연구원 건물에너지연구센터)
  • An, Young-Il (Dept. of marine police and Technology, Gangwon Provincial College) ;
  • Jeong, Hak-Geun (Building Energy Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research) ;
  • Jung, Bong-Man (Building Energy Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


To study the behavioral reaction of common squid Todarodes pacificus, to different colors of LED light, individual distribution in the dark condition without LED light stimuli, individual distribution when four colors of light stimuli were at the sections of end and middle of water tank and the changes of gathering rates as the elapse of illuminating time were examined. When it was dark, the distribution of the fish in each section of the tank was U-shape regardless of the investigating time intervals, which means that Todarodes pacificus gathered at the both ends of the tank. The individual distribution when light stimuli were at the one end of the tank showed the tendency of gathering at the illuminated section and decreasing at the opposite section. There were 448 of them at the end of the tank when the light was blue, 352 when white, 302 when green and 132 when red. Thus the fish liked blue light the most, followed by white light. The variations of gathering rate at the both ends of tank as illuminating time elapsed showed the tendency of increasing at the light section (A section), however, it showed the tendency of decreasing at the darkest section (F section). The individual distribution showed the tendency of letter $\wedge$ of gathering at the center and decreasing at the both ends mostly when the light stimuli were at the middle section of tank. The gathering rates at the lighting section were 80.4% when red, 76.4% when white, 69.6% when green and 56.7% when blue. The fishes showed the affinity for the red light mostly, followed by the white light source. The red light and blue light showed the opposite when the light stimuli were at the one end of water tank. The variations of gathering rates as the elapse of time at the lighted section showed the tendency of gradual increasing in the four light sources. The color of light source showing the highest gathering rate within 25-30 minutes of light stimuli was the white, followed by the red.



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