Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Thin Films as Passivation Layers Deposited by Microwave Remote-PECVD for Heterojunction Solar Cells

  • Jeon, Min-Sung (Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology) ;
  • Kamisako, Koichi (Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.25


An intrinsic silicon thin film passivation layer is deposited by the microwave remote-plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition at temperature of $175^{\circ}C$ and various gas ratios for solar cell applications. The good quality amorphous silicon films were formed at silane $(SiH_4)$ gas flow rates above 15 seem. The highest effective carrier lifetime was obtained at the $SiH_4$, flow rate of 20 seem and the value was about 3 times higher compared with the bulk lifetime of 5.6 ${\mu}s$ at a fixed injection level of ${\Delta}n\;=\;5{\times}10^{14}\;cm^{-3}$. An annealing treatment was performed and the carrier life times were increased approximately 5 times compared with the bulk lifetime. The optimal annealing temperature and time were obtained at 250 $^{\circ}C$ and 60 sec respectively. This indicates that the combination of the deposition of an amorphous thin film at a low temperature and the annealing treatment contributes to the excellent surface and bulk passivation.



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