Differences of Rare Earth Element Concentrations of Plants in Top Soils of Gapyeong Serpentine Area: Based on the M. sinensis, A. vulgaris and R. crataegitolius

가평 사문암 지역의 토양 별 식물체내 희토류 원소 함량 차이: 억세, 쑥, 산딸기를 근거로

  • Published : 2009.06.30


Rare earth contents(REE) were analysed for the plants, M. sinensis. A. vulgaris and R. crataegitolius, from two different soils serpentine area consisting of serpentinite(SP) and non-serpentine area, containing amphibole schist(AS) of Gapyeong area, and were compared with soils and host rocks. The AS were high with the differences of several times in the top soils, and with the differences of several to ten times in the host rocks relative to the SP. In the same area, the SP were high in the soil, but the rocks for the AS. In the plants, the A. vulgaris were high, but low in the R. crataegitolius. Root parts were higher than the upper parts. Differences between the upper and root parts were big in the SP rather than the AS, and were big in the R. crataegitolius, but small in the M. sinensis. Among the parts of the plants, high elements were shown in the R. crataegitolius of the SP, and the A. vulgaris and M. sinensis of the AS. In the correlation coefficients, most of the REE showed positive relationships among the element pairs, especially high positive correlation coefficients in the upper parts of the SP.Differences of the soils and plants(average) were smalle in the M. sinensis and big in the R. crataegitolius. In the upper parts. contents of the A. vulgaris were close to the soils while the R. crataegitolius showed large discrepancies with the soils. In the root parts, contents of the A. vulgaris showed discrepancies with the soils regardless of soil types, but close in the R. crataegitolius of the SP and M. sinensis of the AS.



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